JDC Haggadah: Occasions of Rescue, Relief and Renewal

JDC Haggadah: Occasions of Rescue, Relief and Renewal


As you look forward to Passover, enhance your seder with the beautifully illustrated JDC Haggadah, featuring a host of rare images and compelling documents from the JDC Archives.

While the Exodus story in the Passover Haggadah took place in Biblical times, its themes of rescue, relief and renewal are as fresh as they are ancient, says renowned journalist and author Ari Goldman in his commentary to In Every Generation: The JDC Haggadah.

The JDC Haggadah retells the ancient Passover story through the modern-day efforts of the JDC. The photos used represent Jewish life in different lands and show not only the deep reach of JDC but the rich tapestry of contemporary Judaism.

Call 212-687-6200 to order copies of the JDC Haggadah for you and your family today!

Paperback: $19.95 Hardcover: $24.95

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